While December is synonymous with the celebration of human connections, it can also be a daunting time for those who are ill or alone. Thanks to the success of therapeutic service animal programs worldwide, there is tremendous hope for those who need it most.
Lynn Musician Brian Maes Shares Music and Gratitude in New Memoir

Renowned keyboardist Brian Maes is loyal to his roots. After decades of performing with legends across the globe, the Lynn native still makes taking the stage at North Shore venues a priority. In his new, three-part book series, Brushes with Greatness, Maes describes with candor and passion his lifelong, illustrious musical career, while paying homage to friends, family, and his humble beginnings.
MUSICAL MARBLEHEAD: Local icon never ceases to a-Maes

Choosing a band name can be a laborious process. In the case of “Better Than Nothing,” the band seemingly landed upon the name with an ease that represents their humble beginnings. Lead guitarist and singer Craig Smith explains that while many names were tossed around when one band member quipped that any name was “better than nothing,” the band quickly adopted it.
Marblehead Festival of the Arts Celebrates 60 Years of Cultural Impact

When a small group of Marblehead residents decided to host an arts festival in 1962, it’s unlikely they could have foreseen the cultural significance the event would still hold 60 years later. The scale of the festival, which attracts thousands of visitors and works from roughly 2,500 artists from all over New England, speaks volumes about the far-reaching appeal of this annual Fourth of July tradition.